Digital image processing tutorials and interactive applets has a collection of informative and interactive web components explaining basic digital image processing concepts.
Each interactive element is accompanied by a short tutorial explaining the underlying theory. Furthermore, comments are welcome and are displayed at the bottom of the page for each topic.
NOTE: Some (most) of the interactive tools have not yet been migrated from the "dead" Java applet platform to HTML5/Javascript.
For the web components not yet migrated, it looks like one has to use the "appletviewer" tool found in the JDK to view the interactive java examples. When the tool is installed, one can start the applet by typing "appletviewer URL", e.g.:
>> appletviewer
Our currently available tutorials/applets:
May 8, 2024: It has taken a while, but now our first applet has been migrated to HTML5/JavaScript! spatial-resolution tutorial.
January 17, 2019: Finally, the work on migrating our interactive tutorial tools from the "dead" Java applet platform to HTML5/Javascript has started. Initial results look promising!
March 13, 2013: Unfortunately, the scaling of the spectrum in the convolution-based filters applet was a bit confusing -- now much improved!
March 11, 2013: Otsu's key in our new applet on threshold-based segmentation. Tutorial text to follow!
October 26, 2012: We're now using Disqus for handling our commenting.
October 13, 2012: This image of a woman's face that is used throughout the site; what's the story? The Lena/Lenna image on
August 10, 2012: A first draft of the tutorial text accompanying the color lookup tables applet is out.
April 29, 2012: Sticking to brightening up; an applet on color lookup tables is here! A tutorial text is, eh, to follow.
Feb 25, 2012: Color me gray! The accompanying tutorial text for the RGB-to-grayscale applet is out. © 2008-2024